Friday, October 16, 2009

Mr. Balloon Man

Hey - Mr. Balloon Man - if you are going to create this fake news story about your son being carried away in a weather balloon just for the media attention - don't ask your six year old son to lie for you. Six year olds are not great at lying. In the video below, you don't do really well at lying either. Wolf Blitzer is like Santa or a Rabbi - you can't lie to Wolf.
I am attaching a snippet of the interview below:

I am glad that the little boy is alright and that he actually wasn't in the basket of that weather balloon. Yesterday, every time I heard or saw the phrase "balloon boy," I kept picturing George Costanza and the Bubble Boy from the Seinfeld show. By the way, George Costanza is a much better liar than the Dad in this news story. Remember what George said, "it's not lying if you believe that it is true." Maybe you should have taken George's advice, Mr. Balloon Man. Well, anyway, here is the Seinfeld clip: