Last night the History Channel featured a show called, "The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After. It was excellent, and focused on the first 24 hours after President Kennedy was killed. It particularly described Lyndon B. Johnson's (Kennedy's then Vice President) actions. It was the first show that I have seen in a long time about this topic, which actually brought new information to light. One fascinating subject that was addressed, was how the United States, and the world for that matter, had to adjust to seeing two such different people in the White House. They compared the youth, suaveness, and New England charm of John and Jackie Kennedy, with the not-so-much youth and southern styles of Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson.
Something about seeing those two couples compared, reminded me of the I Love Lucy Show. It is like John and Jackie Kennedy were Ricky and Lucy Ricardo, and Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson were Fred and Ethel Mertz. Everyone liked Fred and Ethel, and they even had some qualities that Lucy and Ricky lacked; but, did you want to see them in their own series? Naah, not really. It was kind of like LBJ got his own spin-off, but it only last one season. Well, anyway, here is a snippet of an I Love Lucy Show, that features the whole gang (I mean Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel - not Lyndon and Ladybird):