I know death is part of life - but this is just bizarre to me; I just learned that Walmart is selling caskets online. As if people didn't dislike Walmart enough. Just as an aside - I think that more people shop there then will admit. Anyway, that's right, you can choose from a selection of caskets on Walmart's website and have your choice delivered. The model that is displayed above is called, "Executive Privilege Steel Casket." It comes with a pinstriped interior and costs $1,699.00.
If I were going to go with any particular retailer whom I would choose to purchase my own casket from, I would probably pick Kmart. I know it sounds odd, but Kmart features the Martha Stewart selection. Anything from Martha, even a casket, would have to be classy. Maybe she could call them her, "I know it stinks to be dead but at least some part of it can be a good thing," collection.
Speaking of Martha and Kmart - here is a little snippet of an early comercial pairing the two: