Well, how about making the mea culpa unnecessary? Instead of saving it for the book, how about future author Biden unfetter his conscience in real time -- when it can actually do some good? If Biden truly believes that what we're doing in Afghanistan is not in the best interests of our national security -- and what issue is more important than that? -- it's simply not enough to claim retroactive righteousness in his memoirs.
I don't think that Vice President Biden should resign. To me, that is Obama's main point in supporting a Lincoln-esque - "Team of Rivals" - type of approach. If everyone agrees with the president and just says, "yes" - you end up with what we had for the previous 8 years.
Now that the mature, political stuff is out of the way, I have to move on to the more immature matter at hand. As un-PC as it is, whenever I see Arianna Huffington on television, I immediately think of Green Acres. Why Green Acres? I think of Green Acres because Arianna Huffington's way of speaking reminds me of Eva Gabor's style. I grew up in the 60's and 70's, and Green Acres - as silly as it was - was part of my childhood. I know that Arianna Huffington is brilliant and one of the most influential females in the political writing world today - but I can't help myself. Take a look for yourself, and see if I don't speak the truth. Video snippets of both Arianna and Eva are linked below:
Hey Lisa Dahling, the Gabor Sisters weren't dumb either, they knew exactly what they were doing. Arrianna may be brilliant but did she ever get to be a guest on the Merv Griffin Show??