The Fort Hood office of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is seeking any military or civilian personnel who may have left the scene ... with gunshot damage such as damaged privately owned vehicles, personnel clothing, etc.," investigators said in a written statement. "CID is also seeking any military or civilian personnel who may have inadvertently left the scene of this incident with material that could be used as firearms residue related evidence such as shell casings inside the boot, etc."
Something about this statement leads to to believe that the investigators may not be totally sold on the idea of a lone gunman. "Tips" usually means that there are more unknowns possibly out there.
The day before the shooting at Fort Hood, I was listening to a podcast from Bill Maher's show, Real Time. It was from sometime in the summer. The panel was discussing such ideas as: how the Christian right is really trying to put forth a strong force on military bases; how it is somewhat ridiculous to not label wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as religious wars; how one incident can alter months of positive change in how Americans view those of the Muslim faith. Sometimes, irony and timing is crazy.
I really like Bill Maher, and I also respect Bill Moyers. Here is a recent clip from a Maher/Moyers interviewer. Moyers discusses Obama and the war in Afghanistan. Fascinating stuff:
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