No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls (Ingmar Bergman)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Damn, George. I remember when you were cool. I remember you from the Clinton years. I'm talking Bill, not Hillary. I just read this morning that you will be hosting Good Morning America. What happened? I like the cocky you, the angsty you...the guy who had to grow a beard because of a stress rash back in the White House days. I know, I got older too. But, I was never cool. You had cool moments. Anyway, here is a snippet of you back in the jean jacket wearing days of Bill Clinton's first run for President. It's from the War Room documentary. P.S. - If I ever hear that James Carville is hosting Regis and Kelly - I am a goner.
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