Oh, that Joe. No, not Biden, I am talking about Senator Joe Lieberman. Who is Joe Lieberman? Well, the Democrats see Lieberman as the Connecticut Independent who is a "thorn in the side" of the Healthcare Bill. They are potentially, and probably, going to bow to Lieberman's demands - to get rid of the portion of the Healthcare Bill which would allow people to buy into Medicare beginning at age 55. They need Joe Lieberman in order to reach the 60 votes that is a must for the health care legislation to pass. Some Democrats accuse Lieberman of simply bowing down to his insurance industry interests back home in Connecticut.
The Republicans, on the other hand, tend to portray Joe Lieberman as the scapegoat of the Democratic wrath. You know, that Lieberman is the only one willing to put himself out there. The National Review asks, "What is next for Lieberman - Boils and Locusts?"
Well, whatever your view on Lieberman is - one thing is for sure - he definitely gets much attention. He not only seems to like it, but appears to thrive on it. Look, Rahm Emanual even personally pressed Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid to cut a deal with Lieberman. It is interesting - Liberman is not particularly tough looking or fear-provoking. But there is something about the guy that gets under people's skin - and not in a good way.
That got me thinking. Who is Lieberman like? I don't mean in "real life," but in the fictional realm. I think I have a match. He may be the Felix Unger of the Senate. You remember Felix, don't you? He is from the Odd Couple. Tony Randall portrayed Felix on the television series that I grew up with. Felix was a little guy - but he could definitely get on peoples' nerves. He, like Lieberman, seemed to believe that he was doing what he was doing for the greater good of mankind. In actuality, his actions - more than likely - were there to soothe his own neuroses. Here is a snippet of an old Odd Couple clip. Just as an aside, I don't know if Joe Lieberman also has sinus problems.
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