Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fly the Friendly Skies?

Two things struck me after hearing about the recent terrorist attempt on Flight 253 last Friday. First, I was surprised by how many people seemed surprised that explosives were able to be taken onto the plane. Systems are only as strong and secure as the people who are enforcing them. Humans are humans - and humans make mistakes - sometimes stupid ones - but we definitely make them. My view is that the only people who will actually be "flying friendly skies" are those on private planes or on Air Force One. Those of us with no other option but taking commuter flights, will either be uncomfortable, inconvenienced, or in danger. It is just the way it is.

Secondly, I keep waiting for Dick Cheney - or Darth Vader - to make a comment about how we are less safe now that President Obama is in office. A comment has to be coming. After reading today that some of the backers for the terror plot were former prisoners at Guantanamo Bay - I think it is inevitable. Who cares that these same prisoners were released back in 2007. These are just the details.

Well, I thought that it would be fun to reminisce a little bit about when the skies were a little bit more friendly. Here is a snippet of an old commercial:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Special Quiz

Did you ever have a song that you just can't get out of your head? For me, at least for today, it is Dean Martin singing, "It's a Marshmallow World." I have a snippet of Dean singing the song on a mid-70s, Bob Hope Christmas special. How can you tell that is an old special? Well - here is how you may know:
  1. They really don't make Christmas specials anymore. I mean, there are Christmas episodes of shows - but not really Christmas music specials.
  2. Dean Martin is still alive on video. I checked, and Dean Martin died on Christmas day in 1995.
  3. Bob Hope is still alive on video. Bob Hope died in July of 2003.
  4. Dean Martin is wearing a tuxedo. You don't see many guys wearing tuxes on television anymore. Sometimes you will catch one or two on Jerry Lewis telethons - but I don't even know if those air anymore.
  5. Lastly - Dean is smoking a cigarette while singing. You never see that anymore - at least on non-cable stations. They last guy that I can remember smoking a cigarette on TV (he wasn't singing, however) - was Don Johnson as Sonny Crockett.

I hope that you enjoy the video:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


OK everyone, please just calm down. Everyone is so upset with President Obama. Healthcare, the economy - blah, blah, blah. When I refer to "everyone," I mostly mean liberal Democrats. Even Howard Dean is getting into the mix now; Dean is recommending that the current version of the healthcare bill be "killed," because of it's being a useless, water-downed version of its former self. Democrats are proclaiming, "where is our President - where is the Obama that we voted for?"

When I hear this, I can't help but question if people really believe that. Is that the "Candidate Obama" whom you really saw? Don't get me wrong - I am thankful that he is in office and pray that he stays in for another term - but I didn't see him as this far-left liberal. Look, the guy doesn't support gay marriage - how liberal can he be? Some part of me always believed - and still does - that Hillary Clinton was more "left" than Obama. Her persona and Bill Clinton scandal-connections just didn't always reflect that - or - allow people to see it.

Whom did Obama reflect? Well, I think that Obama reflected the image that people wanted to see. Liberal Democrats projected their hopes and dreams onto then candidate Obama. But that - at least in my vision - was not whom he really was. Having the gift and gracefulness to project what people want to see is a gift - particularly in elections. But, once that wrapping paper comes off and you see the real person - the disappointment is bound to follow - at least for those doing the projecting - or maybe depending on whom the person is surrounding him or herself with.

I keep thinking of the Woody Allen movie, Zelig. Set in the 1920s and 1930s, the film focused on Leonard Zelig, a man who had the ability to transform his appearance to that of the people who surrounded him. It was filmed in documentary style, using actual newsreel footage. In the movie, Leonard Zelig gains fame as being the "human chameleon." But, like chameleons, Zelig was only as attractive as whom he was near. I am including a snippet of the film below:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh, Joe!

Oh, that Joe. No, not Biden, I am talking about Senator Joe Lieberman. Who is Joe Lieberman? Well, the Democrats see Lieberman as the Connecticut Independent who is a "thorn in the side" of the Healthcare Bill. They are potentially, and probably, going to bow to Lieberman's demands - to get rid of the portion of the Healthcare Bill which would allow people to buy into Medicare beginning at age 55. They need Joe Lieberman in order to reach the 60 votes that is a must for the health care legislation to pass. Some Democrats accuse Lieberman of simply bowing down to his insurance industry interests back home in Connecticut.

The Republicans, on the other hand, tend to portray Joe Lieberman as the scapegoat of the Democratic wrath. You know, that Lieberman is the only one willing to put himself out there. The National Review asks, "What is next for Lieberman - Boils and Locusts?"

Well, whatever your view on Lieberman is - one thing is for sure - he definitely gets much attention. He not only seems to like it, but appears to thrive on it. Look, Rahm Emanual even personally pressed Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid to cut a deal with Lieberman. It is interesting - Liberman is not particularly tough looking or fear-provoking. But there is something about the guy that gets under people's skin - and not in a good way.

That got me thinking. Who is Lieberman like? I don't mean in "real life," but in the fictional realm. I think I have a match. He may be the Felix Unger of the Senate. You remember Felix, don't you? He is from the Odd Couple. Tony Randall portrayed Felix on the television series that I grew up with. Felix was a little guy - but he could definitely get on peoples' nerves. He, like Lieberman, seemed to believe that he was doing what he was doing for the greater good of mankind. In actuality, his actions - more than likely - were there to soothe his own neuroses. Here is a snippet of an old Odd Couple clip. Just as an aside, I don't know if Joe Lieberman also has sinus problems.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Damn, George. I remember when you were cool. I remember you from the Clinton years. I'm talking Bill, not Hillary. I just read this morning that you will be hosting Good Morning America. What happened? I like the cocky you, the angsty you...the guy who had to grow a beard because of a stress rash back in the White House days. I know, I got older too. But, I was never cool. You had cool moments. Anyway, here is a snippet of you back in the jean jacket wearing days of Bill Clinton's first run for President. It's from the War Room documentary.
P.S. - If I ever hear that James Carville is hosting Regis and Kelly - I am a goner.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

They're Neck and Neck

I don't say "WTF" very often - and I have never uttered it in my blog - but today's article in the Los Angeles Times that says, "Shocker polls: That Sarah Palin-Barack Obama gap melts to 1 point - is a definite, "What the F#$#@!#!@" moment to me. What does that even mean? Well, the way that the article explains it is:

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, look what the pollsters just brought in.
A pair of new surveys revealing that President Obama is still declining and has hit a new low in job approval among Americans just 56 weeks after they elected him with a decided margin.
And -- wait for it -- Republican Sarah Palin is successfully selling a whole lot more than books out there on the road. Even among those not lining up in 10-degree weather to catch a glimpse of pretty much the only political celebrity the GOP has these days.

Of course, Matt Drudge had this article front and center on his website this morning. Obama is President - that is why we refer to him as, "President Obama." John McCain and Sarah Palin lost the election. Don't they get it? Now, I am in no way saying that Sarah Palin has not done a fabulous job in keeping her name in the news for the past year or so. But to imply that Sarah Palin is somehow "catching up" with President Obama is ridiculous. He is the POTUS, and she is a hocking her book and writing on Facebook.

I do think that Palin is doing a little bit better than Drudge, however. I feel like that is the real story. Matt Drudge seemed to hit rock bottom for me when he was lurking around in his fedora the day that Hillary Clinton gave her campaign exit speech in D.C. I am sorry that I can not find a photo or video of Drudge at the concession speech on 6/7/08. If I can locate one, I will add it at a later time.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Forgive me Oprah, for I have sinned...

I just read earlier today that Tiger Woods is going to be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey to discuss his recently disclosed transgressions. By transgressions, I mean the fact that the married, new dad, and world-famous golf pro has more girlfriends than he has putters. OK - people have affairs - that is no revelation. The part that fascinates me is the idea that Oprah has become the person to whom celebrities go to in order to confess things - or at least make their personal issues known. I think that at one time, Barbara Walters held this role. She kind of messed things up on The View, by letting her more back-stabbing and caddy nature be visible. Now it is Oprah. Think of it, Oprah has interviewed - Sarah Palin, Vicky Kennedy, Tom Cruise, and Mackenzie Phillips. I am sure there are many more on this list whom I have missed.

I wondered, when did this role start for Oprah? One of the earliest times that I can remember, was not on her show - but during a stint she played on Ellen Degeneres' show back in the 1990s. Oprah played Ellen's psychologist - one of the first person's that Ellen talked about being gay with. Back then, that was a pretty big deal. Now, people come out - or are pushed out - on sites like TMZ and Perez Hilton; and who did Ellen trust? She trusted Oprah. Here is a snippet of their scenes below:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Grief, President Obama!!

Am I glad that President Obama is scheduling a speech tonight to update the world on the status in Afghanistan? Yes, yes I am. However, the speech will be bumping the annual showing of A Charlie Brown Christmas on ABC. Sure - I have a copy of the show on DVD somewhere, but it is just not the same. You know what I mean, don't you? To tell you the truth, the Charlie Brown Christmas show has not been the same for me since Dolly Madison Cakes stopped sponsoring it, but those days are long gone.

This whole Obama-Charlie Brown tangling got me thinking...which of Charlie Brown and his friends would make the best president? Who is the most Obama-like? In my opinion, Charlie's friend Linus is the best fit. He is pretty grounded for a kid, and has held his devotion to the Great Pumpkin through many a Halloween season. Many may question his abilities, considering the fact that he is constantly seen holding a blanket. To me - Linus' blanket is like President Obama's teleprompter - he really doesn't need it - but he feels better having it.

So - keeping with this theme - who is Lucy? Well, the obvious answer is Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Lucy, like Hillary, is not afraid to "play with the boys." That one is easy. I have had a more difficult time coming up with which Peanuts character is Vice President, Joe Biden most like? Not Snoopy; to me, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel seems more Snoopy-like. You know, a little bit behind the scenes - but tough. I think that I am going to have to go outside the box and go with Peppermint Patty. Peppermint Patty is kind and down to earth, but sometimes talks a little bit too much. OK, who is Charlie Brown you may ask? I think that we all can agree on that. Nobody says "Charlie Brown" like Senator John McCain.

Since we won't get to see A Charlie Brown Christmas until next week then, here is a little snippet. Enjoy:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gobble Gobble

It's one day before Thanksgiving, and it is hard to believe that it has been a year since I first posted about Sarah Palin talking to an interviewer while turkeys were being slaughtered in the background. It is even more hard for me to believe that over 365 days later, Palin is still in the news on a daily basis. That is well past Andy Warhol's prediction of each of us getting fifteen minutes of fame. Well, anyway, here is the video below - and please have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh My Nose!!!

OK, there is no way that I could resist today's blog item being about Food Network celebrity Paula Dean being bopped in the face by a low flying ham. Paula was doing a spot about her helping to distribute free hams to needy families for Thanksgiving, when someone in the group got the idea of throwing one in her direction. I actually found the lack of response in her husband (guy with beard showed at end of video) to be just as funny as the incident itself. She was OK afterward, and suffered no bad injuries. No word is in yet on the ham, however. Here is the video:

This Paula Dean incident reminded me of my generation's most famous "hit in the nose" incident on television. Of course, I am speaking about the Brady Bunch scene in which Marcia Brady gets hit with her brother's football and exclaims, "oh my nose." Here is a snippet of the scene below:

Monday, November 23, 2009

American Music Awards

To tell you the truth - I have never been a fan of American Idol. I don't like watching people get ridiculed. I can get enough of that in real life. I don't remember who won last season. I know it was a guy - and that it was down to one cute guy who seemed straight and one cute guy who seemed gay. Well - the straight guy won, but the gay guy - Adam Lambert - made a big ruckus on last night's American Music Awards. Here is the video below:

There are a plethora of opinions out there today. I will take any opportunity to use that word. Terms that I have read include: pushing the envelope; double standard for men; double standard for gay men; lewd, pornographic; cool. What do I think? Well - I think that there is a double standard for men, and particularly gay men. Madonna, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, and - more recently - Lady Gaga - have been doing blatantly sexual maneuvers for years now. Hey - look at Michael Jackson. If I had a dime for every crotch grab that he had done - I would be rich now. But - what is different about Michael? He never kissed a dude - at least on stage, that is.

You know what they say - that there is no bad publicity. Years ago, when I was very deeply in the closet - I remember watching the Grammy Awards with my mother. I told her about Annie Lennox and how she had such a great voice. I nearly plotzed (passed out in Yiddish) when she appeared on stage that night with Elvis style side-burns. It was a little too close for comfort for me and my own issues. I am attaching the video of that performance below. Well, anyway, that was years ago - and performers have been "pushing the envelope" in different ways for years now. I think that it was probably about time that this most recent envelope push was "guy on guy" action.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Google and Clouds

Today is a big "tech geek" day. I pretend to be a "tech geek" - but I am really not one. I know a little bit of stuff - just enough to sound impressive. It usually doesn't work. Anyway, the tech geek event of today is the Google's Chrome OS meeting being held in Mountain View, California. You know it has to be for real - look at the picture of the guys above who are in attendance.

From what I understand, Google Chrome is a web browser. Google Chrome OS is an operating system. The two real big competitors in this market currently are Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft has the bigger piece of the pie, but they are about it. The cute but informative video below explains how Chrome OS is faster and makes more sense now, because people, in general, are using their computers for the internet. When operating systems were first put into place, the internet was not in the forefront as it is now. That is why it takes so long to get onto the internet. Your computer still has to go through all the system checks for all of the other stuff that we only occasionally use. With Google Chrome OS - you are the internet and the internet is you. Your information and data is stored on the internet, and not on your "hard drive." I saw someone comment, "it's not stored on the internet - it is stored on Google servers." Ah - that is the catch. That "cloud" as they call it - where all of your stuff is stored - is stored in Google land. How will this effect privacy, security, etc? I really don't know - but truthfully - I don't think that there is really much left anymore anyway.

OK - take a look at the video and see what you think. Anything this cute can't be scary, right? Oh - and also - you can't download a Google Chrome Operating System - you have to buy a whole new computer.

I am including a video of something else that considers itself - cute, inventive, innovative, and what is "to come." Well, at least Mr. Google would probably hold up better to Katie Couric:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cupcake Cars and John Edwards

Remember how John Edwards spoke about the "Two Americas" during his 2008 campaign stumping. You know - his version of the "haves" and "have nots." Bill Maher joked that Elizabeth Edwards agreed with the "Two Americas" concept, until she learned that her husband was having sex in both Americas.

John Edwards aside, this holiday season at Neiman Marcus, you can purchase your favorite person a Cupcake Car for only $25,000.00. It doesn't take too much time to figure out which "America" can afford such an unpractical gift. I bet I won't see many Cupcake Cars driving around the poorer sections of Philadelphia this year.

Here is a little snippet of the Cupcake Cars in action:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Felix Unger Day!

I pride myself on knowing all sorts of meaningless trivia, but this one passed right by me. Today is known as "Felix Unger Day." Felix is the character from the Odd Couple movie/television show. I know him best as being portrayed by Tony Randall - in the television series. The Jack Lemmon version in the movie was a little bit before my viewing time. Well, anyway, it is Felix Unger Day today - November 13th - because at the start of each "Odd Couple" show - the background vocal guy would say:

On November 13, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence. (Unger's unseen wife slams door. She reopens it and angrily hands Felix his saucepan) That request came from his wife. Deep down, he knew she was right, but he also knew that someday, he would return to her. With nowhere else to go, he appeared at the home of his childhood friend, Oscar Madison. Sometime earlier, Madison's wife had thrown him out, requesting that he never return. Can two divorced men share an apartment without driving each other crazy?"

Here is a snippet of that now famous intro, as well as another classic Odd Couple Scene. And - before I forget - Happy Felix Unger Day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarah and the Pope

Had not seen this video before. Heard it discussed on Bill Maher's Real Time show. Funny:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Robbie Benson and Maudlin Madness

I was driving to work this morning listening to a John Denver song. I know, don't judge. I grew up on that stuff. Looking back, 70s television drama and movies were sure depressing. There was a heck of a lot of doom and gloom - and I am not just talking about Vietnam and Nixon.

The king of sadness in 70s television/movies - was, in my opinion, Robbie Benson (pictured above). He was cute, but he rarely acted in anything that was happy. Really, just think back on some of his 1970s acting credits: Ode to Billy Jode, Death Be Not Proud, One on One, Ice Castles, etc. Poor guy. He even auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars movie, but lost the part to Mark Hamill. I guess the role of Luke did not fit him; Luke only lost 2 relatives in the movie. That is just a mere pittance of sadness for Robbie Benson.

With that theme of 70s sadness in mind, I decided to offer some snippets of 1970s television movies that to me, represent "maudlin madness," as I like to call it. Enjoy:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Obama, Maher and Moyers

I was reading on the CNN website this morning about how investigators are seeking the help of military personnel and civilians in locating any possible tips regarding last week's shootings at Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan. They write:
The Fort Hood office of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is seeking any military or civilian personnel who may have left the scene ... with gunshot damage such as damaged privately owned vehicles, personnel clothing, etc.," investigators said in a written statement. "CID is also seeking any military or civilian personnel who may have inadvertently left the scene of this incident with material that could be used as firearms residue related evidence such as shell casings inside the boot, etc."
Something about this statement leads to to believe that the investigators may not be totally sold on the idea of a lone gunman. "Tips" usually means that there are more unknowns possibly out there.
The day before the shooting at Fort Hood, I was listening to a podcast from Bill Maher's show, Real Time. It was from sometime in the summer. The panel was discussing such ideas as: how the Christian right is really trying to put forth a strong force on military bases; how it is somewhat ridiculous to not label wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as religious wars; how one incident can alter months of positive change in how Americans view those of the Muslim faith. Sometimes, irony and timing is crazy.

I really like Bill Maher, and I also respect Bill Moyers. Here is a recent clip from a Maher/Moyers interviewer. Moyers discusses Obama and the war in Afghanistan. Fascinating stuff:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Got Dashboard?

You know what are really big right now? Dashboards. Everybody has them. Nah, I am not talking about car dashboards; I am talking about information dashboards. The iPhone has them, corporations have them, Google has them, Twitter has them; it's like this generation's table of contents. A table of contents is a thing of the past. By the time you look at the table of contents, then check out the information - the information is old. Dashboards are supposed to provide "real time" information. Real time information is why print newspapers and magazines are struggling. By the time you purchase them, it is old news already.

I am no Dashboardaphile. I sometimes find them overwhelming, in a too "busy" kind of way. CNN recently changed their website to a more "dashboard" style, and I really haven't liked it. Sometimes I still prefer the old-fashioned top-down style of print news. Well, maybe it is more related to the generation I am from. Speaking of generations, this car commercial is before even my generation. Check out this dashboard:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Reality Television

I am fortunate to have grown up during the time of PBS - or the Public Broadcasting Service. I have to admit it; it is something that I often take for granted. You know, like during their pledge periods. I am impatient and will think, "yeah, yeah - just get on with the show already." But, they depend on support to stay on the air. Well, enough of my preaching.

I was thinking about reality television, and how PBS is sometimes the best example of actual reality television. Not the kind that we often think of - like Jeff Conway and Ruth Buzzi living in the same house for a month - but real reality tv. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Later today, some of the more ugly stuff is on. At 10pmEST tonight, on PBS, the story of "The People vs Leo Frank" is told. Leo Frank (picture on left) was a young Jewish man who managed a pencil factory in Georgia during the early 1900s. He was found guilty and eventually lynched for the murder of a 13 year old worker at the factory, named Mary Phagan. Most Atlantans celebrated the verdict, but observers around the country considered it a mockery of justice. Here is a link for the web site's summary of the show:

Ironically, also on the PBS website, is the announcement that they have updated the web page for the Mr. Rogers Show. I loved Mr. Rogers, and still sing his songs to my daughter at bedtime. He was a wonderful man, who spoke and sang of love, acceptance, and feelings. The web page now features video/audio clips of songs and highlights from the Mr. Rogers Show. Only PBS is consistently able to show such contrasting portions of life. Some is good, some is bad, and some is ugly - but they show it all. Oh - by the way - please forgive my loose use of the Clint Eastwood film title. Here is a little snippet of video from when Fred Rogers accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 24th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Retail Eternity

I know death is part of life - but this is just bizarre to me; I just learned that Walmart is selling caskets online. As if people didn't dislike Walmart enough. Just as an aside - I think that more people shop there then will admit. Anyway, that's right, you can choose from a selection of caskets on Walmart's website and have your choice delivered. The model that is displayed above is called, "Executive Privilege Steel Casket." It comes with a pinstriped interior and costs $1,699.00.

If I were going to go with any particular retailer whom I would choose to purchase my own casket from, I would probably pick Kmart. I know it sounds odd, but Kmart features the Martha Stewart selection. Anything from Martha, even a casket, would have to be classy. Maybe she could call them her, "I know it stinks to be dead but at least some part of it can be a good thing," collection.

Speaking of Martha and Kmart - here is a little snippet of an early comercial pairing the two:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mad Men, Booze, and Cigarettes

I am a fan of Mad Men, the AMC original series that depicts the work and home lives of the employees of Sterling Cooper, a fictitious advertising agency in the early 1960s. Today, CNN's website features a story on Mad Men's set designs, entitled - Astonishing Detail in Time Gone Mad. It is a fascinating piece, that includes tours through many of the sets used on the show. I am attaching the link to the CNN video below:

Although I have not watched the series from its start, I have watched all of the shows this season, and have become completely addicted. Speaking of addictions (talk about your subtle segways), the source of two major addictions that often take center stage in the series, are those of booze and cigarettes. I thought it would be interesting to share two commercials from this time period. I will include one for booze and one for cigarettes. Enjoy:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oppsite Ends of the Spectrum

Ann Coulter was interviewed by Joyce Behar the other night, and it reminded me of the expression - you know the one - about "opposite ends of the spectrum." Okay, they are both women (although some of argued that in regard to Coulter, but I digress) and both media personalities; but, other than that, there ain't much there that is similar. I am including a snippet of the interview below:

This got me thinking about what other media events have included two personalities who seem to be on two different ends of a spectrum. I am including some of my top choices. Hope you like them:

OK, OK - I admit it - Donny and Marie are not exactly opposite sides of the spectrum. But, remember, she was a little bit country and he was a little bit rock and roll. That must count for something. Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bernie Madoff and Santa Claus

Some additional information is coming out today regarding Bernie Madoff's workplace environment; I bet there is plenty more where that came from. Anyway, CNN is reporting the following:

A new lawsuit alleges that convicted swindler Bernie Madoff financed a cocaine-fueled work environment and a "culture of sexual deviance," and he diverted money to his London, England, office when he believed federal authorities were closing in at home.
The complaint alleges that some employees and investors were aware of the drug purchases, and that BMIS [Bernard Madoff Investment Services] was known by insiders as the "North Pole" in reference to the excessive amount of cocaine use in the work place.

Isn't that nice? - the North Pole. Can't get more in the holiday feeling than that. I grew up watching those 1960s and 1970s holiday specials. Even a Jewish kid from Northeast Philly loves a good cartoon. Back then, you could only see them once a year too. That was before the age of videos and DVDs. My favorites were Charlie Brown, the Grinch, and Frosty.

Several years ago, Saturday Night Live featured a satire of those old clay-mation classics, and something about Bernie Madoff running the "North Pole" reminded me of it. I hope you enjoy:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Droid and the Pinto

Did you hear that Verizon is coming out with a new phone in November to compete with the iPhone? I guess that this means that the iPhone won't be going to Verizon anytime soon. Anyway, here is the commercial that is being shown for the "Droid" - the hopeful iPhone competitor:

I wondered how telling it is that the commercial is basically comparing the benefits of the Droid to the what the iPhone lacks. Is any form of comparison actually a compliment? It probably is, to some degree. I started to think about what other product had begun its commercial campaign by comparing itself to an already well-loved and successful product. Here is such an ad or, "blast from the past:"

OK, maybe the Droid will have a better run than the Pinto, but it is fun to wonder.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who the Hell is Wolf?

No explanation needed. See video below:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lyndon, Ladybird, Fred, and Ethel

This time of year always brings with it a flourish of Kennedy specials; not the awards show - but the specials that focus on the JFK assassination, the "curse" of the Kennedys, etc. I have to admit, I am a sucker for anything regarding the assassination. I was about a month old when it happend in November of 1963. In fact, I was at the pediatrician for my month check up. That is what my parents tell me - I don't actually remember it (as you probably already know).

Last night the History Channel featured a show called, "The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After. It was excellent, and focused on the first 24 hours after President Kennedy was killed. It particularly described Lyndon B. Johnson's (Kennedy's then Vice President) actions. It was the first show that I have seen in a long time about this topic, which actually brought new information to light. One fascinating subject that was addressed, was how the United States, and the world for that matter, had to adjust to seeing two such different people in the White House. They compared the youth, suaveness, and New England charm of John and Jackie Kennedy, with the not-so-much youth and southern styles of Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson.

Something about seeing those two couples compared, reminded me of the I Love Lucy Show. It is like John and Jackie Kennedy were Ricky and Lucy Ricardo, and Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson were Fred and Ethel Mertz. Everyone liked Fred and Ethel, and they even had some qualities that Lucy and Ricky lacked; but, did you want to see them in their own series? Naah, not really. It was kind of like LBJ got his own spin-off, but it only last one season. Well, anyway, here is a snippet of an I Love Lucy Show, that features the whole gang (I mean Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel - not Lyndon and Ladybird):

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mr. Balloon Man

Hey - Mr. Balloon Man - if you are going to create this fake news story about your son being carried away in a weather balloon just for the media attention - don't ask your six year old son to lie for you. Six year olds are not great at lying. In the video below, you don't do really well at lying either. Wolf Blitzer is like Santa or a Rabbi - you can't lie to Wolf.
I am attaching a snippet of the interview below:

I am glad that the little boy is alright and that he actually wasn't in the basket of that weather balloon. Yesterday, every time I heard or saw the phrase "balloon boy," I kept picturing George Costanza and the Bubble Boy from the Seinfeld show. By the way, George Costanza is a much better liar than the Dad in this news story. Remember what George said, "it's not lying if you believe that it is true." Maybe you should have taken George's advice, Mr. Balloon Man. Well, anyway, here is the Seinfeld clip:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Huffington Post and Green Acres

The picture of Vice President Biden posted above, is plastered on the Huffington Post Website this morning. The accompanying story is Arianna Huffington's take on why she feels that VP Biden should resign. The reason for this resignation, she believes, is Biden's conflicting view with President Obama on sending more troops in Afghanistan. He is a short excerpt from her post:

Well, how about making the mea culpa unnecessary? Instead of saving it for the book, how about future author Biden unfetter his conscience in real time -- when it can actually do some good? If Biden truly believes that what we're doing in Afghanistan is not in the best interests of our national security -- and what issue is more important than that? -- it's simply not enough to claim retroactive righteousness in his memoirs.

I don't think that Vice President Biden should resign. To me, that is Obama's main point in supporting a Lincoln-esque - "Team of Rivals" - type of approach. If everyone agrees with the president and just says, "yes" - you end up with what we had for the previous 8 years.

Now that the mature, political stuff is out of the way, I have to move on to the more immature matter at hand. As un-PC as it is, whenever I see Arianna Huffington on television, I immediately think of Green Acres. Why Green Acres? I think of Green Acres because Arianna Huffington's way of speaking reminds me of Eva Gabor's style. I grew up in the 60's and 70's, and Green Acres - as silly as it was - was part of my childhood. I know that Arianna Huffington is brilliant and one of the most influential females in the political writing world today - but I can't help myself. Take a look for yourself, and see if I don't speak the truth. Video snippets of both Arianna and Eva are linked below:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Elizabeth Cheney and Michael Moore

I don't know about you, but I feel that Elizabeth Cheney's (Dick Cheney's daughter) group - Keep America Safe - seems to be borrowing a little bit from Michael Moore. Take a look at their website's video below, and see what you think. Don't the implications seem to mirror those from Moore's Farenheit 911? The link to the NPR story regarding the Keep America Safe group is here:

As NPR writes, Elizabeth Cheney's group says it aims to "provide information for concerned Americans about critical national security issues." Her co-founders are conservative commentator William Kristol and Debra Burlingame, sister of an American Airlines pilot who was killed on 9/11. Burlingame is co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Carly Simon and Starbucks

Ok, it seems that over the past year or so, that neither Starbucks or Carly Simon have been doing that great. Who I am to judge? I know, I asked myself that too. But lets face it, Carly hasn't been on the top of the charts for years now, and Starbucks is losing business to Dunkin Donuts. So, what do you do when two brands are struggling - you team up. I don't think that sounds like a good idea either - but Carly Simon did. Now she is suing Starbucks, saying that terrible sales of her latest album, This Kind of Love, was a result of Starbucks (music label - Hear Music) mismanagement. The link for the NYT article is below:
Well, however the legal aspects work out, I prefer to look back to a time when both Carly Simon and Starbucks were more cool - or hot I guess. Here are a couple of videos below:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wilson, Obama, and the Nobel Peace Prize

President Obama was awakened today to learn that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize. Congratulations are in order. The conservatives are already mocking this decision; good thing that Chicago was not picked as the next city for the Olympics, or it would have definitely pushed the Republicans over the edge (not that far of a reach, in my estimation).

Well - one question that naturally arises, is who was the last sitting US President to win the Nobel Peace Prize? I checked, and it was President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Wilson was chosen for his work in the development of the League of Nations. Interestingly, and also ironic, is that Woodrow Wilson was not a supporter of equal rights for blacks; that is putting it mildly, actually. His record on race relations was not very good. You know what they say - "karma is a bitch." Well, anyway, here is a snippet (no sound) of Woodrow Wilson in the White House in 1917 (see video below). The sheep on the front lawn are real.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

President Obama and HRC

This is the big story posted on the website of the HRC - the Human Rights Campaign:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, announced today that President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address at the 13th Annual National Dinner on Saturday, October 10th, in Washington, D.C. U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy will also present the first-ever Edward M. Kennedy National Leadership Award to Judy and Dennis Shepard. The award is named in honor of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), a champion in the fight for LGBT equality.

The 2008 video below is a snippet of President Obama (before he was President) talking with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church regarding his views on gay marriage. He explains that he supports civil unions, but defines marriage as a sacred union between a man and a woman. Wonder how this will play out on the 10th? What is about people that they are OK with gay couples doing the sad stuff (visiting each other in hospitals), but not in the fun stuff - like having a wedding?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vanessa Redgrave and Israel

Vanessa Redgrave's recent backhanded support of Israel regarding the Toronto Film Festival's decision to showcase the films of Tel Aviv, reminds me of her Academy Award appearance back in 1978. Below is the link to the recent article, as well as the snippet from the Oscars:


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Laugh a Lot

I wonder how many of these dolls - given as Christmas presents in 1969 - ever made it to New Years Day 1970?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Doctors and Camels

Remember the good old days when smoking was good for you and doctors made housecalls? OK, I don't either - but this commercial does.
Oh - just as a side note - 4 out of 5 physicians choose the 357 magnum as their gun of choice for gifts for teens.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Things that make you go awwww...

I love old political commercials. When I watch this, I can almost taste the saccharine in my mouth.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flintstones and Winston

This is too bizarre not to include. Fred and Barney pushing Winston cigarettes. I guess that is why Dino died of complications from second hand smoke.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wash Your Hands Roger

What are the chances that Roger didn't end up on Prozac?